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Preotul homosexual pozitiv HIV Jide Macaulay: „Am crezut că voi muri”..

Preotul homosexual deschis, Jide Macaulay, vrea să pună capăt stigmatului în legătură cu a fi HIV pozitiv.

Reverendul Macaulay a descoperit că era HIV pozitiv la un control de rutină și imediat „a fost lovit de un șoc”.

"Totul a fost întunecat în acel moment", a explicat el. „Duream foarte mult”.

Un activist gay și HIV pozitiv, Macaulay este vocal despre includerea în biserică.

El a fondat House of Rainbow pentru a crea un mediu sigur pentru comunitățile BAME și LGBT + și a fost recent subiectul unui documentar BBC despre a fi homosexual și religios.

După ce a fost diagnosticat cu HIV în 2003, diaconul Bisericii Angliei s-a temut să-și părăsească casa.

"Știi, am fost imediat îngrijorat de ieșire, pentru că nu știam să comunic lucrurile altor oameni", a spus el.

„De fapt, nu i-am spus altcuiva.”

Acum, 16 ani mai târziu, vrea să schimbe conversația în jurul HIV - în special în cadrul comunității sale de credință.

Urmăriți videoclipul de mai jos pentru a vedea Jide Macaulay să-și împărtășească călătoria de ieșire ca HIV pozitivă:

 „M-am gândit că este OK, o să mor.” Preotul gay @RevJide este HIV pozitiv și vrea să pună capăt stigmatului. https://t.co/grAyR61bSv pic.twitter.com/Dklkmyc5Zx - PinkNews (@PinkNews) 29 iulie 2019

Într-un interviu prezentat de Stonewall, reverendul homosexual deschis a apărat dreptul ca persoanele LGBT să fie incluse de comunitățile de credință.

„Cei care se pledează împotriva sexualității comunității LGBT au de fapt nevoie să o ia cu Dumnezeu pentru că am luat-o cu Dumnezeu și m-am împăcat”, a spus el.

„Dacă am pus„ gay ”într-un acronim,„ G-A-Y ”, înseamnă că Dumnezeu te adoră.

„Dumnezeu te admiră, Dumnezeu te acceptă, Dumnezeu te găzduiește, Dumnezeu te ocolește”.

Pe lângă faptul că este vocal în ceea ce privește incluziunea LGBT în Biserica Angliei, Macaulay dorește să descompună stigmatul în jurul faptului că este HIV pozitiv.

„Mi-am permis, prin multe învățări, să devin o voce [pentru] homosexualii din biserică”, a explicat el. „Și, de asemenea, pentru persoanele cu HIV.

„Cred că este important să eliminăm ignoranța și să educăm liderii credinței noastre și cei din comunitățile din jurul subiectului.” 


Tâlharii strigă „homosexualii ar trebui să fie strânși”, apoi atacă omul în timp ce încearcă să părăsească Tube

A group who verbally abused a gay couple on the Tube before knocking one of the men unconscious in a brutal homophobic attack are being hunted by police.

Un grup care a abuzat verbal de un cuplu homosexual pe Tube, înainte de a bate un inconștient într-un atac homofob brutal, este vânat de poliție. Ofițerii au emis imagini CCTV ale suspecților în urma agresiunii șocante pe un tren de noapte târziu de pe strada Liverpool Liverpool din Londra către Shoeburyness din Essex. Ei spun că victima a fost lovită de mai multe ori în cap în atacul „neprovocat”, în timp ce mergea să părăsească trenul în stația Upminster din estul Londrei. Asaltul a fost atât de vicios încât l-a determinat să cadă pe peron, unde a fost lăsat inconștient și a suferit mai multe vânătăi. Un purtător de cuvânt al Poliției Transporturilor Britanice a declarat: „La scurt timp după miezul nopții de 14 aprilie, victima călătorea cu partenerul său când un grup de bărbați a început să facă o serie de comentarii omofobe. „Comentariile au devenit din ce în ce mai agresive, la un moment dat unul dintre ei a spus că„ homosexualii ar trebui să fie strânși ”. Poliția spune că bărbații arătați în imaginile CCTV pot avea informații care i-ar putea ajuta să investigheze incidentul (Imagine: SWNS.com) Stația Liverpool Street, Londra (Imagine: Getty Images) „Când victima a plecat să părăsească trenul în stația Upminster, el a fost lovit de câteva ori în cap într-un atac neprovocat, determinându-l să cadă pe platformă. „Victima a fost lăsată inconștientă timp de câteva minute și a suferit o serie de vânătăi. „Asaltul s-a întâmplat la bordul serviciului 11.39 pm de la London Liverpool Street până la Shoeburyness.” El a adăugat: „Ofițerii cred că bărbații arătați în imaginile CCTV pot avea informații care i-ar putea ajuta să investigheze. „Nimeni nu trebuie să fie vizat vreodată cu abuz sau violență din cauza cui sunt sau pe cine iubesc.”

Poliția încurajează victima videoclipului Walthamstow „crimă de ură homosexuală” să se prezinte

Video de pe Twitter: @YusufJP_

Poliția Metropolitană încurajează victima unei presupuse infracțiuni de ură homosexuală să se prezinte - după ce ieri a fost postat online un videoclip cu o femeie care striga abuzuri homofobe la un participant al unui eveniment Pride din Walthamstow.

În clip, femeia poate fi cu capul spunând că „Dumnezeu i-a creat pe Adam și Eva, nu pe Adam și Steve” și că persoana care poartă un steag curcubeu este „disprețuitoare”.

Astăzi, parlamentarul local Stella Creasy a vorbit despre dezamăgirea ei după vizionarea videoclipului, despre care se credea că a fost filmat în aceeași zi cu evenimentul Waltham Forest Pride.

Căutat să vadă acest lucru și să lămurească o astfel de ură nu este acceptat nicăieri și mai puțin în orașul nostru natal - mândri că mulți din toate credințele și niciunul din ziua de azi, inclusiv islamul, s-au alăturat marșului Mândriei Waltham Forest Pride pentru a arăta că Walthamstow înseamnă într-adevăr bun venit.


Astăzi, Poliția Metropolitană a dat publicității o declarație după ce i s-a spus despre videoclip.

Suntem conștienți de materialele care circulă pe media socială despre abuzuri adresate celor care participă la evenimentul Waltham Forest Pride și au loc anchete.

Abuzul cuiva din cauza orientării sale sexuale sau a identității de gen este o infracțiune de ură și am încuraja victimele și pe cei care au fost acolo când a avut loc acest lucru.

Dacă ați fost abuzat verbal sau fizic, hărțuit sau atacat în vreun fel de cineva, pentru că sunteți sau credeți că sunteți lesbiene, gay, bisexuali sau transgender (LGBT +), vă rugăm să raportați aceste crime la poliție.

Avem, de asemenea, legături strânse cu grupuri de raportare ale terților, precum TruVision, Spune Mama și Galop dacă simțiți că nu sunteți în imposibilitatea de a raporta aceste crime direct la poliție.

Actualizată ultima lună 29 iulie 2019

How began to like dick! (olla)

How began to like dick! (3)

How began to like dick! (3) This is the third and last part of the first fantasy I write. Thank you for the encouragement and hope you enjoy this part. Personal is the episode that I like the most ... The next day at 15:00 I received a message from Sorin in which I said that is the address that was supposed to go at 17.00 and do so do not be late . Although not in any way I wanted to live for the experience of the previous day, which is to be kind of a bitch, call at 16.58 at the door of the apartment where he was going. I opened a tiny boy and I'm glad it's not even that big and I will not bother too much, but after I came, I saw four guys in the room waiting for me, and just thought that I could happen, and I was in tears. - What are you doing doll, came after dick? Let the last one to have some dick so as not dreamed in your life. Saying this, a blond boy, about 1.70-1.75 height uratel, and which seemed to be somewhere around 30 years unbutton his pants and invites me to suck his dick. Lest I take the beating or know what could happen to me, I knelt in front of him and wanted to take the cock head in his mouth. It stuck my whole dick in her mouth and I said like a whore like me has to suck all the balls at once and even take them in my mouth if possible. While blonde fucked me in the mouth, another said I undress me and I, he wants to fuck my little ass. Then began to fuck me by two, one mouth, one in the ass and share sometime. I cried, but I was trying to resist the onslaught subject. I do not know how long this because I was already in a state of disgust and even despair, but at some point one of the boys said: - Bathrooms Alex, you do not fuck on this little bitch? You know it's her small but moves well and sucking dick almost as an expert. - I do not want to fuck anyone not see that this poor chap does not even know what happens? Saying this, Alex was heading towards me and I can not tell you what I felt at that moment. He was a black guy with green eyes like some I've never seen the color Sefiria'd say were about as tall me about 1.85cm, with a gray shirt that molded him and see beautifully shaped muscles, with thick lips and a very determined walk. Arriving near me said: - Okay kid, now you can add the www.AnunturiGay.wgz.ro Free Ad Ok now let's get dressed and go home, you're tired of dick for today. The other three boys protested Alex convinced yet, I get dressed and I looked surprised at Alex did not want to fuck me too. Although feeling some joy, was to get rid of the nightmare of the day, though I was sorry I had just the most beautiful boy I had seen till then did not want to even touch me. In my mind sprouted the idea that provoke disgust and immediately after exiting her apartment to tell me to go home alone. I left the apartment, I descended the stairs I had no patience to wait the elevator and reaching in front of the building, with tears still in her eyes, and the feeling of contempt for me as I got to be some sort of sex slave for so many men, I thank you very much I'm out there and I wanted to go. - Where do you want to go. Get in the car, I promised that I'll take you home, and I never break the promises. - Thanks, but why would you do that, and why do you treat him with me as gate and friends? - I just thought today would come to fuck him a boy who will make us pleasure, but see you since you were just afraid to come on and shakes. The boys practically had sex with you, but rather you were raped. - I think this deserves a guy like me, I said getting into the car. - Why do you deserve this? Since sex with guys, how old are you and how did you start? I told her how I started with Sorin at my grandparents' house, as I initially thought that I like to do this, but now wish to be a simple object in which both guys unload sperm. - Why did you come here today, if you wanted to have sex with us? - Because Sorin has a picture of me when I am with his dick in mouth and told me that if I do what he wants, will show pictures of my parents. - Today I promise you will not have sex with anyone unless you want it that. Although we thought we were pleased, however, that there is a guy that I talk nice, that does not make me a bitch and that really encouraged me to forget today that we had lived in the last period. I left in front of the building, I asked for the number, he asked my name and left. There followed a few days I was terrified every time my phone rings or you receive a message, for fear of being Sorin summoned me or send me to his friends. So two weeks have passed without anyone bothering me, until one day when my phone rang. It was a number that I knew not: - Hello. - Hello Karmin, Alex, I do not know if you remember me. - Of course I remember you, I will never forget that you've escaped your friends. - I called to tell you that the time has come to pay for proper that I saved, I said and felt like smiling. You can meet me over 2 hours? - Yes, I said quite reserved. I explained where we will see over 2 hours and I was in front of a local and we expect. He welcomed me here, I joined local, I drank a soda, I talked about one another, and asked: - He never called Sorin? - No. - You can rest assured that we have done and will not stop ringing. I understand how you handle it, but I would not be interested. I was glad I got rid of Sorin and other baieti.Plata we had to do to Alex as his friends saved me was that I had to make him buy that stuff. Thus began a beautiful friendship between me and Alex, although I was about 16 and a half and he 25. Understand us so well that we went out quite often in town for a drink, a movie I was and mountains along with other friends of his. It's been like almost a year, during which I had not done sex with any boy, although frankly I would have liked to have part of Alex. He showed signs that he likes me as a friend and different than I remember even had a chance to fuck me and did not want. One day he called me at home and said: - Karmin, I want to tell you something, but do not want to scare you or get mad at me. - I will not mind whatever you say. - Since I first met you, I loved you and I want to be friends. - We're friends, right? - I do not wanna be friends, I want to make love to each other. - Really? And I thought that only I am crazy about you. Hearing that came towards me and started kissing me. I timidly touched lips of hot and fleshy lips, and slowly, slowly, his tongue has made its way into my mouth and vice versa. It was the first time I kissed a boy and felt something he had felt before. I wanted more, I wanted him naked in bed, I wanted to be mine. He asked me if I liked it and if I wanted to do more than that. Because my answer was yes, took me in his arms and took me to his bedroom. He gave me easy clothes off me and he undressed. She was so beautiful body worked for me looks like a god. I admired him and he sipped eyes. In turn what seemed delighted to see me. We sat in bed, we kissed, and then I started to be seen over to kiss him on the neck, went down to his nipples hardened, I began to suck the strength and passion, we descended into the abdomen and when I got His dick finally I got scared. -Alex, dick too big, I do not think I will be able to satisfy you. -Do not worry, my darling we'll both feel better. Do what you feel and how you feel and everything will be perfect. - I easily got cock head in my mouth down to the base, sucks dick as deep as I could. Occasionally May 1 drove my mouth and hit me over the language saying that she is the most pleasant mouth that came. I love to suck and coitele, which seemed tiny in comparison to his dick which I later found out was 23cm and about 6cm thick. I think sucking dick more than an hour until he finished in my mouth. It was so nice, and he so tenderly to me that I felt that everything went as in a moment. After a few minutes that I was joking, laughing, and I was happy he asked: - Do you want to be my boy? - I'm not your boy? - Yes, but if you let me I'd like to and for. - That's all I want more, just hope it does not hurt. - Do not worry I'll be gentle and will take care to be well. I was face up and he started to kiss me with such tenderness I felt until then anyone throughout the body. At one point, I lifted legs and began to lick my ass, and I really felt a sense divine. It was so nice to feel that tongue walk on my wheel as I try to penetrate and how easily entered me. I expect to penetrate me but he started to kiss me with a greater desire than the first time though. I was still face up with legs up on his shoulders and we look forward to penetrate me. While kissing me I felt two fingers with gel on them trying to make their place in me. Then three and slowly, slowly I relaxed bottom. Then Alex made his courage and began to push his cock head with much tenderness in my ass. Although he had that big, it hardly hurt me and I wanted to get increasingly more in me. It was so nice to make love to a man. You feel like you want, you want it more than anything. After we had sex all night to morning holding my head on his chest. I was so happy, like a tear to me eye seeped from his abdomen: - What are you doing, are you crying? - Yes darling, but is the first time tears of joy. Thank you exist in my life and I love you. - I love you from the first moment I met you, Karmin.


People are born gay or is it?)

People are born gay or is it?)
I was born into a Christian family, parents and grandparents were very faithful people and still small taught me to believe in God, I read Bible stories and so on. My family life has always been wonderful. I had loving parents and little brother and sisters generally understood me well. God was always present in the home and our lives.
At school I was never very popular but I had some friends. We had friendly relations with both boys as well as girls. Girls for me were always good company.
I entered puberty when I was in grade 5 ° a For the first time I began to have sexual feelings. But I was ready. I was a precocious child intellectually, I always liked to read a lot so that I knew something about the first sexual impulses. My first sexual feelings were more like curiosity and thought it was normal curiosity to be linked to my friends of the same sex. It is an age when many boys experience of sexually with each other, but this is not an indication of future sexual orientation. I do not experience with anyone but I read a lot and knew a bit of 'sexual confusion' was perfectly normal at that age and that many guys feel sexual attraction to other boys during this period. This thought comforting at the same time I do not avoid the thought that my sexual urges were sinful. So I focused even more on God, schools and other issues expected to pass delicate stage.
Little by little my friends started to discover the opposite sex was the period when we share each other's girl attracts us most. In my group there was a girl who wore very nice to me so I told my friends that I liked it .. But when they asked me if I thought it was nice, I did not know what to say. I never thought of my colleagues as 'cute'. So the best answer that matter what was inside them. At the same time wondering what made my friends refer to them as nice. I did not understand but I thought it was just a matter of time and meet the right person. I believe while less developed sexually compared to my friends.
When I started having erotic dreams, I was terrified. In my dreams girls appeared not as written in books you read ..... but guys! Atemorizat wake me, I felt bad, dirty, dirty. I began to avoid the company of my colleagues attractive, harder to concentrate in God, I trust in his help. But if we inhibit my thoughts during the day, at night I could not avoid to dream ...
At that age I did not know much about homosexual behavior. Just knew it was something amoral between two people of the same sex (men in general) and it was completely reprehensible, a pity. But my feelings associated with homosexual behavior.

Later, homosexuality look back on a more personal form. Some colleagues were beginning to ridicule homosexuality using demeaning terms. In response, a group of fellow foster tolerance. During the conflict, one of his colleagues said openly gay. He was the older brother of a friend. Declaration of me a shock. Personally never known a gay (or at least I did not know). Actually not know him personally but that he was the brother of a friend (I was thinking how awful to have a gay brother) made me think that I knew. I started thinking if my friend was gay, maybe you catch me thinking.
Meanwhile developed my own theory about homosexuality. About me, I thought since I was going through that period of sexual confusion, which expect to go on as I was growing up. I thought there were other guys who like me went through this crisis and that their lack of knowledge may lead them to the mistake of autoeticheta gay and adopt a homosexual lifestyle, and thus destroy the future. Therefore I wanted to tell my friend to wait brother everything is going, do not take the wrong path. But I never had the chance to personally inilnesc him and warn him of danger. This did not stop me to take a public stand against homosexuality and accusing emphasize character pecaminos. I wanted to be understanding but also to be consistent with my faith in God. In high school I met a great girl - L. It was very funny, spontaneous, honest, active, sport, and especially the Christian era. I felt good with it. I started out getting together more and increasingly more I realized that everything I was looking to be a girl. I was officially in love. Although we met often, I had no hurry to advance in physical appearance, sexual. I wear it very educated. No I never felt physically attracted to him even though I knew her physical appearance was highly regarded by other colleagues. Yet I kept very much to her and doing her best to be a true friend. The only kiss which I was ever given on the cheek.

One day we went to a concert. We're feeling good, the atmosphere was full of emotion, but the memories I have of that time has nothing to do with music. While I sat him happy and trying our hands, my eyes met with one of a kind very attractive in the crowd. I saw his face for a split second but immediately I felt all my emotions and thoughts focused on him. We recognized that there were feelings related to my sexuality. I immediately wanted to meet him, talk to him to hug him. I think I'd be happy just to sit next to him for the rest of the evening. I admit it was not the first to make me feel this way. But in that moment I realized awkward situation, sitting beside the most beautiful girl I loved and who loved me, my beloved, with whom we hope to marry one day, and still my most intense emotions were aroused by a stranger in the crowd, one of the same sex ... What's happening to me? I listen to my prayers God intensely to help me I have these horrible feelings, perverse, undesirable for others of the same sex, I do not see suffering? My cheeks were filled with tears and L thought it was the music. But on the way home and realized that something was wrong and asked. I could not tell him the truth - how could I say I attract men?
One day chatting with friends. With one of the guys on chat speak only once or twice but I immediately felt a connection, and we quickly woke up I was wearing a private correspondence. We were talking about all kinds of stuff until I realized there was something special in my relationship with this boy very different from my relationship with other friends. I recognized in him something that reminded me of me. The more conversion, the more I felt more than a sense of fear mixed with joy at the thought of discovering who was the mysterious connection between us. Suddenly he asked me if I wanted to ask him something, but the question that I have asked her to put me nazar hard. I said I could not ask him anything special. However, he said: 'I'm not gay, nor straight. I'm somewhere in between. I guess you could call me bisexual 'I immediately burst into tears. All feelings repressed for years napadisera me suddenly. I prayed silently. I asked if they could keep a secret. And then I told him everything. Because his testimony was a name for what I Knead life. I was a 'bisexual'. But for me that term does not mean a choice and was not even a permanent condition. It was just a label for my condition, a condition was certainly temporary.
Eventually I got the courage to confess to him that I was bisexual and was amazed and astounded by the ease with which he supported and encouraged me to continue our relationship. I agree, I trust that God will help me if my faith in him was strong, I thought by him will win.
It took me several months to admit that the correct term for my situation was not homo-and bisexual. I chose the term bisexual because gay is so horrifying implications for me. I could not be 'gay' for proper it was a shame. But in the end I had to admit that the opposite sex has never attracted me from physically. A beautiful woman has never aroused emotions in me. That made me realize that I was not fair to the L. I was sitting with her because I wanted to be normal and I enjoyed his company but I never appreciated it compelt femininity. A mutual friend always told me how lucky I was to have a girlfriend so special, beautiful and full of quality. I realized that he felt something I never felt before.
Eventually we were both agreed to cut the relationship, later she has found another friend did well.
Even after I accepted that they are 'gay' I thought it was a transient condition. I was in a continuous search for cases of gays who have taken the right path. Meanwhile I stopped him ask God to show me the way and I started to ask what was done. I had no answers. I guess I was not smart enough or faithful enough to find the answer. All you can do is to humiliate me in front of him, to fall on my knees and pray.
Many of you will not agree with many of my story, but that is the truth. Some say we should not even call me gay but 'same sex attracted'. I prefer the word homosexual for their own reasons. What I know is they are more Christian than ever, this is true even if I called homosexual or not.
Justin author's ANONYMOUS

By-curious or gay?

My dear sorry ...
I am a man aged 31 years and have been in a wonderful relationship since I was 18 years with a woman that I love. However, since my early twenties, I had also frequent homosexual fantasies. Normally I only go as curious, but in the last two years, there were about 4 times when I almost panicked about being gay. I like heterosexual sex with my wife, but often I prefer my homosexual fantasies. Every now and then, "wish" my gay are very strong and if I was not married probably would forget to indulge in some experiments. We are looking to start a family and are appalled that in a few years will become more "gay" law. I also feel extremely guilty when I have these fantasies, as I lie on the person you love most in the world. Should I tell her about these fantasies - a little voice in my head keeps telling me I should, but I think it would be incredibly difficult? While I have these fantasies gay, I could not see myself living a gay lifestyle, but I'd be lying if I said I did not want to try it once. I am extremely upset about this and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Gay fantasies are one of the most common sexual fantasies as straight people of both sexes. Only you will be surprised to hear, as fantasies for men and women gay straight! Which emphasizes the issue of what is a sexual fantasy. It's something you deal with in your mind that gives you chills, does not necessarily think something as repetition. Arguably blow everything sexual fantasy is that it must be something you would want to do for real.
Another common one is rape fantasies and you are not going to tell me that someone dreams of being tied or beaten or humiliated and taken against their will in no way means that they would really like it if it happened them. What do you think about a fantasy is often a code; if you feel slightly embarrassed about your desires or hear "Tut, tut" of a parent or child feel slapped his hand, can you imagine being forced as a way of denying responsibility. "Look!" Your mind says, "I know he enjoys being a complete sex pig, but it's not my fault I can not help."
If homosexuality occurred to you in your development as fear, big and final degradation and the sign of being a sexual outlaw may have obtained in your mind, not just a taboo, but the appeal of the forbidden fruit. Excites you. It gets you going. And what's wrong with that? When you imagine, you actually do not. I know that Jimmy Carter famous reprimanded for being unfaithful in his mind, but it is not cheating and not really happening.
Consider this - you know your wife is thinking of someone or something lese when she makes love to you? This does not mean that she does not want to be right there, right then - it just means it has a little extra to add some spice to the proceedings.
OK having said that; Yes, it is possible to have a part of you that wants to explore your gay side. I'm not a believer in the theory that people are part of the door of sexuality - gay, straight and have another once through you can not go back. I think everyone is strung along a continuum from completely totally gay right, and depending on where we should stay with sex, or swing from wanting to have sex with someone of the same sex or counter at that time. And people change over time, back and forth.
What might help is this. You need to think about what is sex and sexuality for you. Does the thought of gay sex scares you or you wake up because of the messages they were given about sex and sexuality, when you were growing up? It's something you actually want to explore in real life, or safely in your mind where you control a script? You may find it especially helpful to talk to someone through this nice and professional, such as a counselor or someone in Lesbian and Gay Foundation on 0845 3 30 30 30.
Depending on what you decide, you can relax in accepting these feelings as no more than the fantasies of many people right, and then it's up to you if you share with your partner or keep them to yourself. We explore all the issues of sexual fantasies, including how to use them to spice up your love life, in my book Sexual fantasies - go to my books and follow the link to Amazon if you want to see more .
Or, of course, might decide action is preferable to dreams. If you note that is as much infidelity if gay sex, and any sex is dangerous if you do not use protection. Do not go all gay and just messing around on the puts you at risk of sexual infections as much as taking the plunge and coming out. Good Luck!


The first partner

  • The first partner
  • My first partner! I always enjoyed watching them boys pee. I was fascinated by dick. I imagine it would be to get my hands on another dick than mine. Morning, afternoon, evening, I stroked pulic thinking that she did not know whose colleague ... By seventh grade I was not satisfied just to lurk and colleagues in the school toilets. I wanted something more. At one time I called out to the toilet after the last bank colleague had done the same. It seemed like he kind of looked at me when I pee. Let incewrc something new - I thought. Teacher left me and went after him ... He was in a booth with the door open. Grind. Although there were empty cabins, go near it, get it out and we both piss in the toilet bowl. - How crushing was not me you could to break, say looking at his dick. - I finished, he responds to hide delaying dick in his pants. And a shield, and a Belesta easy. Cut me and follow suit .... - Yours is bigger than mine I think. - Do you? - Let them measure, I propose. - With what? - I have a pen ... I put pen next dick ... I made a sign imaginary - as mine. Yours? He took the pen and has measured dick ... - Hm ... about the same grave. But to see mine when school! - Well, get it! He started and a rub. I hardened myself .... I just ... And I began to take proportions ... - Well, you see? He asked. It's great .... - What, me not? I Råsunda etalandu my dick erect. - Yes, it's big and you ... I had no frame tells us ... we look at each other ... We rub dick dicks. I wanted more. I take courage and say: - Have the courage to put his hand on my dick? - What about you? I waited for another urge. I reached out and we got dick in punch. I started to gently rub, so belesc ... He reached out and touched my dick erect. An indescribable feeling came over me ... I was super excited ... Io rub rub me ... Exactly what I wanted for so long: to feel another cock in hand and the other hand on my dick! - I felt that he wanted more. Suggestion: Do not you have a kiss? - No, because I'm sick. What, you kiss mine? - I do not know, I think so ... I bend slowly. Dick smell them. A touch with the lips in a kiss shy. - They see? I kissed her! Kiss her and you mine ... was executed. It has been high. And sitting with dicks in hand watching us ... I resisted me. I leaned back. I kissed her again. I opened my lips, I pulled my tongue and I touched it with the tip. I thought everything was not enough. I took it in my mouth ... I started to suck him. For real ... I love ... - You like? he asked. Do not expect my rasunsul continue .... I think so that I suck for good ... I think I'm next. I stopped, I stood and waited nervously to me and he suck me ... I licked the tip of his cock then took it in my mouth ... It was a new sensation. Could not compare with anything till then: nor beliturile "total" in the evenings when I play alone or with frenetic circle-jerk that was ... was high. I never said anything either of us. We started masturbating looking at each other ... I've done about the same time. We've shaken off dicks sperm, we have put in pants and went to class where we both come together. Teacher stared at us as we get each in his bank, but said nothing.


Browserul Chrome, afectat de un bug care face posibilă detectarea modului Incognito

Browserul Chrome, afectat de un bug care face posibilă detectarea modului Incognito
Promiţând sesiuni discrete de navigare web, care să nu fie păstrate în istoricul de navigare al browserului Chrome, modul Incognito trebuia să fie nedetectabil şi pentru site-urile accesate, împiedicând administratorii web să combată folosirea acestuia.
Însă o greşeală a modului în care funcţia Incognito a fost gândită face posibilă detectarea sa prin simpla includere a unui script care să verifice disponibilitatea unei funcţii numită FileSystem framework, dezactivată automat la activarea modului de navigare Incognito. Google promite că va îndepărta această portiţă, cât şi orice alte metode care ar putea permite detectarea folosirii modului Incognito, scrie go4it.ro.

Cât despre motivele pentru care administratorii web ar vrea să combată funcţia Incognito, avem pe de o parte obişnuitele practici de monitorizare a obiceiurilor la navigare web cu scopul afişării de reclame, dar şi o justificare aparent legitimă. O parte dintre utilizatori folosesc modul Incognito pentru a profita la nesfârşit de ofertele de încercare disponibile pe unele site-uri de conţinut, care oferă acces gratuit la conţinut premium în limita unui anumit număr de vizionări.

Însă o greşeală a modului în care funcţia Incognito a fost gândită face posibilă detectarea sa prin simpla includere a unui script care să verifice disponibilitatea unei funcţii numită FileSystem framework, dezactivată automat la activarea modului de navigare Incognito. Google promite că va îndepărta această portiţă, cât şi orice alte metode care ar putea permite detectarea folosirii modului Incognito, scrie go4it.ro.
Cât despre motivele pentru care administratorii web ar vrea să combată funcţia Incognito, avem pe de o parte obişnuitele practici de monitorizare a obiceiurilor la navigare web cu scopul afişării de reclame, dar şi o justificare aparent legitimă. O parte dintre utilizatori folosesc modul Incognito pentru a profita la nesfârşit de ofertele de încercare disponibile pe unele site-uri de conţinut, care oferă acces gratuit la conţinut premium în limita unui anumit număr de vizionări.


Daddy - 🍺

luni, 19 februarie 2018

Tatal meu beat

Buna ziua, ma numesc Aris Am 23 de ani si vreau sa va spun cum am venit sa-l suge pe tatal meu si numai pe el
Suntem dintr-un sat nu departe de Constanta
Am locuit cu tatăl meu de câțiva ani, pentru că mama mea va lucra în Spania
Îmi amintesc bine, a fost într-o sâmbătă seara și doamna care vinde la barul din sat mă cheamă să vin și să-l iau pe tatăl meu acasă pentru că e foarte beat și nu poate sta în picioare ...; spus și făcut.
Mă îmbrac și mă duc la barul din sat, după o anumită certăreală și opoziție din partea tatălui meu, îl duc în cele din urmă să se întoarcă acasă
Deși nu trăim foarte departe de bar, tatăl meu fiind foarte bețiv a avut nevoie de ajutor pentru a se deplasa
M-am întors acasă, stau pe canapea și încerc să-l dezbrac, ca să poată dormi
Îmi scot jacheta, bluza pe care o are în partea de jos, pantofii de pe picioare își duc pantalonii și stau doar în chiloți
Am avut deja un frig
I-am văzut pantalonii nefolositori și m-am întrebat ce fel de pula mea are.
Odată ce aud:
-Aris, ajută-mă să merg la baie să mă întrebi ... tatăl meu a spus; Îl ajut imediat să se ridice de pe canapea și să-l ducă la baie
Cu o mână care mă ținea și cu cealaltă scoatem pula, o minune de 17, 18 cm carne în starea puricii
Am fost deja foarte emoționat și lasă-mă să plec
Răchiul tatălui meu în toate părțile numai în direcția toaletei nu,
- ați fost mai atenți, ați mers doar pe jos ...!
Văzând că nu reacționează, i-am luat pula în mână și m-am îndreptat către Wc
Nu puteam să cred, ținusem tatăl meu în mână
După ce am terminat rahatul, am scutura pula de câteva ori și încerc să-l deranjez ușor, dând semne pentru a-l întări

Îi aduc pe tatăl meu pe canapea și îl ajută să se întindă
Văd că mănânc pula
- Aris, ia-o în gură, a spus tatăl meu spre surpriza mea
- Ai un tata pe care l-ai primit, cum pot face asta?
îl pune în gură și îmi pune mâna pe cap și mă strânge cu gura la pula lui
Nu puteam să cred, am avut pula de pula mea în gură ... a fost un fel de fiori
Pula lui a fost deja făcută în gura mea,
Îl sugem câteva minute după care am auzit din nou vocea tatălui meu
- dezbraca-te si pune-te cu fundul in pula mea
M-am dezbrăcat pe foc automat, am semănat saliva pe fundul meu, ca să-mi fac monstru-ul pula mea și am ajuns ușor în pula lui
A început să mă păcălească mai repede și mai adânc câteva minute după care am simțit un sentiment cald și plăcut
A fost sperma tatălui meu în fundul meu
Era o lună nedescrisă




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